SMA Large Scale Energy Solution​

Generate solar power and use it effectively

Generate solar power and use it effectively

Sustainable investing and maximum profit

With the SMA Large Scale Energy Solution​, you can generate sustainable solar power. Investing in a PV power plant is one of the safest and most profitable investment options and offers the best future prospects, as you will benefit from a system service life of over 20 years.

Secure investment in emerging technology

The SMA Energy Solution​ stands for longevity, maximum performance and top quality. Highly integrated solutions for PV power plants with varying system structures provide you with maximum flexibility in implementation and options for expansion at all times. That gives you the highest possible yields for over 20 years and guarantees maximum return on investment.


Maximum energy yield

Maximum energy yield

Quick profit

Quick profit

Increased competitiveness

Increased competitiveness

No commodity price risk

No commodity price risk

Centralized system layout

A centralized system layout is ideally suited for large-scale, ground-mounted PV projects. A few large central inverters are used here.


Centralized System Layout

PV modules

PV modules

optimized for the local conditions and your requirements.

Sunny Central UP

Sunny Central UP

SMA central inverter that converts solar power (direct current) into usable alternating current.

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Medium Voltage Power Station UP


turnkey container solution with Sunny Central UP and a perfectly coordinated medium-voltage solution that includes a transformer and switchgear.

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Power Plant Manager

smart energy manager that operates in conjunction with SMA Monitoring and is responsible for communication and overall system monitoring.

SMA Monitoring

SMA Monitoring

enables easy and efficient online monitoring of your SMA Energy Solution​.

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The system in detail

How the SMA Large Scale Energy Solution​ produces electricity from photovoltaics.

  • PV modules

    The PV modules generate direct current from incoming sunlight.

  • Sunny Central UP

    The SMA Sunny Central UP central inverter is the core of your SMA Large Scale Energy Solution​. It converts direct current into alternating current for grid feed-in.

  • SMA Power Plant Manager

    The SMA Power Plant Manager monitors and manages the energy flows between producers, consumers and the utility grid. It secures need-based energy generation, helps stabilize the utility grid and contributes to optimal energy marketing.

  • SMA Monitoring

    With SMA Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS, you can keep track of current and historical system data at all times. This enables you to see exactly how much electricity you could still sell.

SMA Sunny Central UP inverters

The core of the SMA Large Scale Energy Solution​


As the centerpiece of your SMA Large Scale Energy Solution​, the SMA Sunny Central UP inverter converts the direct current generated by your PV system into alternating current. The SMA energy system can feed power into the grid and stabilize it thanks to the grid-forming properties of the inverter.

  • With a capacity of up to 4,600 kW

  • The highest power density and system compatibility help reduce logistics, installation and material outlay

  • Increased energy yields and reduced system-specific energy costs through overdimensioning of the PV system by up to 150%

  • Constant tracking of your energy yields through the web portal

SMA Sunny Central UP inverter

How it works

  • The PV system generates solar power from sunlight (direct current).

  • The direct current feeds into the inverter.

  • The inverter converts direct current into alternating current for the grid and this can be used directly or fed into the utility grid.

Modular system layout

If the project basis is very heterogeneous, several smaller and easier-to-handle inverters can be arranged in the decentralized system layout.


Modular System Layout

PV modules

PV modules

optimized for the local conditions and your requirements.

Sunny Highpower PEAK3

Sunny Highpower PEAK3

SMA string inverter that converts solar power (direct current) into usable alternating current.

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Power Plant Manager

Power Plant Manager

smart energy manager that operates in conjunction with SMA Monitoring and is responsible for communication and overall system monitoring.

SMA Monitoring

SMA Monitoring

enables easy and efficient online monitoring of your SMA Energy Solution​ (via the web portal and new Energy app).

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SMA Smart Connected

SMA Smart Connected

the inverter is automatically monitored thanks to the integrated comprehensive SMA Smart Connected service. If a problem occurs, an automatic service notification will be generated and repairs will be initiated.

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The system in detail

How the SMA Large Scale Energy Solution​ produces electricity from photovoltaics.

  • PV-Module

    Die Solarmodule erzeugen aus dem einfallenden Sonnenlicht Gleichstrom.

  • Sunny Highpower PEAK3

    Der SMA Wechselrichter Sunny Highpower PEAK3 ist das Herzstück Ihrer SMA Large Scale Energy Solution. Er wandelt den Gleichstrom in Wechselstrom für die Netzeinspeisung um.

  • SMA Power Plant Manager

    Der SMA Power Plant Manager überwacht und steuert die Energieflüsse zwischen Erzeugern, Verbrauchern und dem öffentlichen Netz. Er übernimmt auch weitere Managementfunktionen und handelt die nicht benötigte Strommenge am Strommarkt.

  • SMA Monitoring

    Mit SMA Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS haben Sie aktuelle und historische Anlagendaten immer im Blick. So sehen Sie auch genau, wie viel Strom Sie noch vermarkten können.

  • SMA Smart Connected

    Das integrierte Wechselrichter-Monitoring SMA Smart Connected überwacht Ihren Wechselrichter automatisch. Im Fehlerfall benachrichtigt SMA Ihren Service und minimiert so die Stillstandzeit.

SMA Sunny Highpower PEAK3 inverters

How it works

  • The PV system generates solar power from sunlight (direct current).

  • The direct current feeds into the inverter.

  • The inverter converts direct current into alternating current for the grid and this can be used directly or fed into the utility grid.

Further applications of the SMA Large Scale Energy Solution

Store solar power and use it broadly

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Manage and connect solar energy

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Grid independence with solar power

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