SMA Data Manager M powered by ennexOS

Get the most out of energy

Data Manager M

Future-proof communication for decentralized PV systems

In combination with the new Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS, the Data Manager M optimizes communication, monitoring and control of PV systems with up to 50 SMA devices. Based on the new IoT platform for energy management, ennexOS from SMA, the Data Manager M not only replaces the SMA Cluster Controller, but its expandability also means that it is already well-equipped to handle the new business models of the energy market of the future. For example, it is the ideal professional system interface for electric utility companies, service technicians and PV system operators.

Particularly impressive is its innovative and highly efficient user interface, which has been standardized for both Data Manager M and the new Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS. A range of intuitive assistance functions for the Data Manager M, inverters and Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS significantly reduce the amount of time involved in commissioning and parameterization.

The basic scope of functions and interfaces offered by the new Data Manager M is coordinated with the associated functions in Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS and adapts to future requirements incrementally. Thanks to its modular design and systematic support of industrial standards such as Modbus/TCP, systems can be expanded to include additional components such as I/O systems or energy meters, from either SMA or other suppliers.

Your benefits

Fast and simple

  • Quick and intuitive commissioning including Sunny Portal registration

  • Simple integration of I/O systems and energy meters

Future-proof and flexible

  • Can be flexibly expanded to satisfy new requirements and changing customer needs via software expansion packs

  • Provides a gateway to the rapidly changing energy market of the future

Reliable and convenient

  • Complies with international grid integration requirements

  • Detailed analytics, alert system and reporting

Lowest risk solution

  • Secure remote monitoring and control of all connected components

  • SMA recently named the #1 global provider of monitoring and energy management solutions by Navigant and GTM Research

Monitoring & Control powered by ennexOS

The Data Manager M and the new Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS are perfectly coordinated with each other. This not only makes it easier to monitor, analyze, parameterize and manage PV systems, but also helps save time and money.

  • Standardized user interface

  • Seamless remote parameterization

  • Easy overview of entire portfolio

  • Quick and direct online identification and troubleshooting

  • Easy structuring of PV systems according to individual needs

Standard pages for monitoring, analysis and parameterization allow you to work efficiently and help you save time managing your systems.

Learn more about Monitoring and Control in the new Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS.

Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS
Monitoring & Control powered by ennexOS

I/O Systeme von MOXA and Wago

The preconfigured MOXA and Wago I/O systems available from SMA are perfectly coordinated with the new IoT energy management platform ennexOS and can be easily integrated into a system. Thanks to its high level of flexibility, the system can meet changing customer requirements at any time, for example, if there are any changes in legal or normative requirements.

Basic device information and system diagram

Data Manager M

Release Notes

Available features (as of release 1.4.x)

Release Q4 2019*

Future releases*


Number of supported devices 50
Local admin account and access with Sunny Portal user account
RS485 For Modbus/RTU devices (e.g., non-SMA inverters with Modbus Sunspec)
Digital Input
USB Exclusively used for importing manual updates
Inverter fieldbus Fast Ethernet (Speedwire) 100 Mbit/s
Network (LAN) Fast Ethernet 100 Mbit/s
WLAN WPA2, peer-to-peer connection for commissioning & service purposes
Live data in the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS Data currently uploaded every 5 mins
Communication protocols
SMA Data 2+ - Speedwire
SMA Data 1 - RS485 (via SMA Com Gateway)
SMA Energy Meter protocol
DHCP server for fieldbus Disconnection of the SMA system network from LAN
EEBus client
Integrated webserver
Modbus server SMA profile (system level) Modbus profile for unit ID 1 and 2 compatible with SMA Cluster Controller
Modbus server SMA profile (device level) Subdevices can be queried directly (no separate networks)
Modbus client support for Sunspec The following Sunspec models are supported: General: 1,11,12 PV inverters: 101,102,103,120,121,122,123,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,160 E-meters: 201,202,203,204,211,212,213,214 Important: To find out which functions of the devices to be connected are av
FTP push client (daily, hourly) (15 mins) XML export identical to the SMA Cluster Controller format
Modbus/RTU for energy meter via RS485
Remote configuration of devices (SMA components) Via Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS
Assistant for system-wide parameterization; parameter comparison (local and remote) Via Data Manager M and Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS
Parameterization via Modbus Sunspec Provided parameterization is supported by the respective device
Update via SMA Update Portal and USB (Data Manager M)
Update via SMA Update Portal and USB (SMA components)
Energy monitoring
Supports multiple energy meters
Supports any Modbus/TCP energy meter Registration with individual Modbus/TCP registers
Supports any Modbus/RTU energy meter Registration with individual Modbus/RTU registers
Representation of systems with batteries
Representation of diesel generators
Representation of non-SMA inverters Via Modbus Sunspec, energy meter or manual input
Energy management
Modbus interface with direct selling With external VPN router
Integrated direct selling (SMA SPOT)
Peak load shaving with SMA STPS60 In conjunction with Inverter Manager
Simple control for increased self-consumption with battery systems (STPS60) In conjunction with Inverter Manager
Simple control for optimizing battery systems with time-of-use electricity tariff (STPS60) In conjunction with Inverter Manager
EEBus – HVAC support
EEBus – e-mobility support
Grid management services
Assistant-led setting of grid management services
Fast stop via digital input Five digital inputs integrated in EDMM – one reserved for fast stop
Active power setpoint via digital signals Five digital inputs integrated in EDMM – four for active power limitation
Active and reactive power setpoints via Modbus/TCP Via SMA Modbus profiles
Active and reactive power setpoints via Modbus/RTU
Connection of the Janitza UMG 604 energy meter
Connection of the SMA Energy Meter
Connection of the Modbus/RTU energy meters Elkor WattsOn Mark II and measurlogic DTS 307
Active and reactive power setpoints via IEC 60870-5-104 Already possible today together with Wago PFC200 (IEC60870<->Modbus)
Active and reactive power setpoints via digital or analog signals Together with MOXA ioLogik E1242 or WAGO 750
Feedback on active and reactive power setpoints via digital and analog outputs (analog outputs) (digital outputs) Together with MOXA ioLogik E1241 (analog outputs), E1242 (digital outputs) or WAGO 750 series
Active power control (including zero export) Negative active power setpoint also possible with manual control
Adjustable fallback behavior for missing setpoints/measured values
Adjustable ramp-up rate for active power (identical ramps for up & down) (different ramps)
Voltage-dependent active power control
Frequency-dependent active power control P(f) Currently implemented in the inverter; in the Data Manager M in Q4
Operation with constant cos phi
Voltage-dependent reactive power control (Q(U))
Active power-dependent reactive power control (Q(P))
Active power-dependent control of cos phi (CosPhi(P))
Reactive power control

Function update June 2020
for EDMM-10 & EDMM-US-10

Expansion of the Modbus functions

  • Output of further battery values via Modbus
    The following battery values can now be output via Modbus:
    • Average state of charge of several battery inverters in [%]
    • Current total charging power of all battery inverters in [W]
    • Current total discharging power of all battery inverters in [W]
    • Total charging power of all battery inverters in [W]
    • Total discharging power of all battery inverters in [W]
  • Permanent implementation of other Modbus profiles
    The following devices have been added to the list of Modbus profiles that have already been permanently integrated:
    • Siemens PAC 2200 (Modbus/TCP meter with MID certification)
    This allows users to integrate the device into the PV system more easily as the Modbus profiles that have already been saved ensure that the required measured values will be queried reliably.
  • Import and export of Modbus profiles
    Thanks to Modbus, a wide variety of devices, such as inverters, energy meters or sensors, can be easily connected to the SMA Data Manager M. The firmware release 1.8 now makes it possible to export and import the generated Modbus profiles on the SMA Data Manager M. This leads to a reduction in the time required for commissioning devices of the same type.

Implementation of various communication profiles

  • To allow for an optimum overview of the PV system, data are regularly transmitted from the SMA Data Manager M to the Sunny Portal. When connected via a mobile network, the amount of data can exceed the selected data tariff rates.
    For greater flexibility, there will be three different communication profiles to choose from. These profiles ca be activated in the Sunny Portal.

Expanding the grid management services

  • Output of cos (phi) via Modbus
    Values for cos (phi) can now be output via Modbus. This includes both the obtained default values and the currently measured cos (phi) value at the point of interconnection. For this, a meter at the point of interconnection is imperative.
  • Active power setpoints via external digital inputs
    Default active power values can now also be processed via external digital inputs for example, via the Wago 750 Bundle or Moxa ioLogic.

Update February 2020

Extended support of connected devices

Threshold based toggle of digital outputs
From now on it is possible to toggle digital outputs based on active and reactive power level of the pv plant. If there is an energy excess a digital signal can be sent to an electric load to switch on for example a heating rod or a heat pump. Hereby irreversibilities by external power curtailment setpoints can be reduced and the produced energy can be used more efficient.
Following setpoints or values can be used to toggle the digital outputs:

  • Alarm in case of warning or error
  • Alarm in case of error
  • System active power
  • System reactive power
  • System active power at grid-connection point
  • System reactive power at grid-connection point
  • Setpoint of active power limitation
  • Reactive power setpoint
  • Extended possibility to connect sensors
    To be able to connect sensor devices like weather stations more easy the range of connectable devices was extended by the device type „Sensor Device“. Hereby manually created modbus profiles can be added to connect for example the weather station PVMet 200 from Rainwise. The measuring data is availble locally on the Data Manager M as life data and in the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS as data in the Analizing Tool Pro for further analyzing. Also connection of sensors to display a filling level (level in percent value) is possible by using the new Modbus device type. This measured data is currently only available locally on the Data Manager M.
  • Connection of Danfoss TLX and FLX pv inverters
    By implementing EtherLynx and protocol it is now possible to connect Danfoss TLX and FLX inverters to the SMA Data Manager M via Ethernet wiring. Measured Data can be sent to the Sunny Portal powered by ennesOS via the SMA Data Manager M. The other way round open loop and close loop control of the inverters is also possible now.
  • Fix implementation of further Modbus profiles
    The list of already fix intefgrated Modbus profiles was extended by following devices:
    • PQ-Plus UMD-705 ( 3-phase grid analyzer)
    • Rainwise PVMet 200 (weather station)
    Hereby the named devices can be connected to the SMA Data Manager M more easy. The fix added Modbus profiles guarantee a reliable promt of the requested measurement data.

Extension of grid management services

  • Support of reactive power setpoints via external digital inputs
    Now reactive power setpoints via external digital inputs (e.g. Wago 750 Bundle or MOXA ioLogik E1242) can be handled. Hereby it is possible to fullfill the requirements of the grid operstors more flexible. A separated installation of the SMA Data Manager M from the external I/O devices is also more easy now. 

Update November 2019

Advanced support for connected devices

  • Expansion of the Inverter Manager integration
    • In addition to the already supported STPS 60, this release allows SMA inverter types STP 60 and SHP 75 to be connected to the SMA Data Manager M and the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS. The devices connected to the Inverter Manager are aggregated and displayed as one device.
  • Central update of connected SMA inverters
    • Connected SMA inverters previously had to download available firmware updates individually. Now, the SMA Data Manager M simply downloads updates once centrally and distributes these throughout the PV system. This reduces the required data volume for systems that are connected via the mobile network to the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS.

Advanced support for connected devices

  • Connection of inverters from other manufacturers
    • Implementing the Modbus Sunspec interface means that inverters from other manufacturers can now be monitored and managed using the EDMM and visualized in Sunny Portal. To support the different functions, more than 15 Sunspec data models have been integrated into the SMA Data Manager M. A connection can be established either via Modbus/TCP or Modbus/RTU.
  • Support for affordable Modbus/RTU energy meters
    • To expand the scope of supported devices here as well, Modbus/RTU energy meters can - in addition to the already supported Modbus/TCP energy meters - be connected to the SMA Data Manager M. The use of the generally more cost-effective Modbus/RTU energy meters is another way to optimize costs.
      The following devices are directly supported:
      • Measurlogic DTS-307
      • WattNode WNC-3Y XXX-MB
    • For the connection of additional energy meters, individual Modbus profiles can be created directly in the SMA Data Manager M.

Enhanced system security

  • Speedwire Encrypted Communication (SEC)
    • To enhance the security of our devices and, in turn, the entire PV system, secure encryption of the local SMA system network is now possible. The SMA Data Manager M automatically supports the activation of SEC in new systems.

Update May 2019

Grid management services

  • Supports digital inputs as well as analog inputs and outputs (through MOXA & WAGO I/O systems available from SMA) for the implementation of specifications regarding cos (φ), active and reactive power and the response from control values.
  • Reactive power: Open- and closed-loop control of cos (φ) already possible through constant setpoints. Specifications via Modbus and/or via analog inputs now also possible.
  • Active power: Specifications via Modbus and/or via analog inputs now also possible.
  • New MOXA I/O (ioLogik 1241) with four analog outputs. Soon also available directly from SMA.
    (SMA order number: eIO-E1241)
  • New Wago 750 I/O Bundle with four analog outputs (output signal 0–20 mA).
    (SMA order number: 115214-00.01)
  • Master/slave functionality: For the closed-loop control of large systems / systems with multiple devices, a master EDMM can control multiple subordinate slave EDMMs. Up to 50 devices or a maximum system size of 2.5 MW are supported (as before).

Data Manager M


I/O Systems from MOXA and Wago

Compact system MOXA E1200 series for price-sensitive applications

  • MOXA ioLogik E1242 (4 analog inputs, 4 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs)

  • MOXA ioLogik E1260 (6 temperature inputs)

Modular WAGO I/O system 750 series for more flexibility

  • Wago 750 (8 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, 4 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs, 4 temperature inputs)

Additional devices and protocols will be integrated on an ongoing basis via Modbus/TCP (e.g., Janitza Power Analyser UMG 604).

Data Manager M


I connected the Data Manager correctly. Why am I not able to access the Data Manager via the SMA[serial number]?

Check in the settings of the router whether DHCP is enabled. If DHCP cannot be enabled, a static IP address must be assigned to the Data Manager. To do this, connect the Data Manager to a DHCP-capable router outside the PV system and carry out the commissioning. Assign a correct static IP address to the Data Manager (ask your grid administrator). Then connect the Data Manager to the router in the PV system. Now the Data Manager can be reached via the static IP address. Follow the installation assistant steps and make the settings appropriate for your system.

I connected the Data Manager correctly and DHCP is enabled in the router. Why am I not able to access the Data Manager via the SMA[serial number]?

Depending on the web browser, the entry may be interpreted as a search entry. Enter "https://" before the access address of the Data Manager in the address bar of the web browser.

I reset the Data Manager to the default settings. Why do I get an error message regarding an invalid certificate when I want to access the Data Manager with the web browser?

In order to save the self-signed certificate of the Data Manager in the web browser, it must initially be accepted as trustworthy in the web browser. After the Data Manager has been reset to the default settings, the web browser interprets this certificate as outdated or invalid. Delete the old certificate in the security settings of your web browser. Reconnect to the Data Manager and accept the newly offered certificate.

I correctly connected a compatible I/O system by WAGO to the router. Why is the I/O system by WAGO not visible in the router's device overview?

It is possible that the IP address of the I/O system cannot be determined. Check in the router's settings whether DHCP is enabled and, if necessary, enable DHCP. Ensure that the I/O system is set to DHCP. For this, all DIP switches on the I/O system must be set to ON (see the manufacturer's manual).

I correctly connected a compatible I/O system to the router, but cannot access the router's settings. How can I determine the IP address of the I/O system?

In order to use the I/O system with the Data Manager, the I/O system with its IP address must be disclosed in the Data Manager. To determine the IP address of the I/O system, proceed as follows:

1. Open the command line interpreter on a suitable end device and enter the command "arp-a".

  • A list of all interfaces with IP address, physical address and type is displayed.

2. The physical address indicates the associated IP address.

  • I/O systems by WAGO use physical addresses in the range 00-30-de.

  • I/O systems by Moxa use physical addresses in the range 00-90-E8.

Why is no data displayed on the user interface of the Data Manager?

The buffer capacitor of the Data Manager's real-time clock might have discharged due to being without voltage supply for a longer time period. Make sure that the Data Manager has access to a time server on the internet to obtain a current time.

I reset the password and administrator account of the Data Manager. Do I have to go through the entire installation assistant process and reenter all data when I log in the next time?

No. Assign the user name and password and then stop the installation assistant. The original PV system data are still there and are adopted automatically.

Can several Data Managers be used in one system to map system sections?

This is not possible. However, system sections can be created and visualized in Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS.

I want to change the data transfer rate of the SMA Energy Meter from 1000 ms to 200 ms to obtain a higher control dynamics. Can the Data Manager handle this?

Yes. To adjust the data transfer rate of the SMA Energy Meter, you have to log on to the user interface of the SMA Energy Meter with the user group Installer (see the SMA Energy Meter manual). The remote configuration of the SMA Energy Meter is not possible for safety reasons.

Can each RS485 device connected to an SMA Com Gateway be used with the Data Manager?

A few RS485 devices are currently not yet supported by the Data Manager:

  • SolTrk (control for PV tracking systems)

  • Windy Boy (wind power inverter)

  • Hydro Boy (fuel cell inverter)

  • Sunny SensorBox

  • Schoolmeterbox

Can I create system sections with my Data Manager to be able to divide PV systems into cardinal directions for example?

This is possible in Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS. System sections and system groups can be created and visualized there.

Can I connect the Data Manager to an SMA Cluster Controller?

Both the SMA Cluster Controller and Data Manager are data loggers. Parallel operation of both products is not advisable.

Why is the font blurred in my web browser?

ClearType might be disabled. Activate Clear Type in your web browser.

Valid IP addresses were assigned by the DHCP router to some Modbus devices in my system and the communication to these Modbus devices was faultless for some time. The connection to some of these Modbus devices has been interrupted as of late. What is the reason for this and how can I rectify it?

Some Modbus devices may have been restarted due to a voltage drop. In the process, the Modbus devices received new, modified IP addresses from the DHCP router. This can happen if a MAC address has not been assigned in the DHCP router. The Modbus devices do not necessarily receive the same IP address.

Set up the MAC address connection in your DHCP router or extend the lease time.

If the IP address of a Modbus device had been changed, it must be recorded in the Installation Assistant of the Data Manager.

I already have a WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 and want to use it on the Data Manager. How does the I/O system have to be configured?

Ensure that the I/O system is set to DHCP or a valid IP address (see manual from manufacturer).

The I/O system must be configured as follows (from left to right):

  • 750-352: Fieldbus coupler/controller

  • 750-602: DC power supply (24 V)

  • 750-1414: 8 Digital inputs (24 V)

  • 750-1515: 8 Digital outputs (24 V)

  • 750-464: 2/4 Resistance inputs (2 x Pt100)

  • 750-455: 4 Analog inputs (4 to 20 mA)

  • 750-559: 4 Analog outputs (0 to 10 V)

  • 750-600: End clamp

How do the Pt100 temperature sensors have to be connected to my WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750?

The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 is suitable for connecting Pt100 temperature sensors with two, three or four wires. SMA recommends connecting Pt100 temperature sensors with two wires since the corresponding bus terminal 750-464 is preset to 2-channel measuring technology.

I already own an ioLogik E1214, E1260, E1241, or E1242 I/O system from Moxa and want to use it on the Data Manager. How does the I/O system have to be configured?

Make sure that DHCP or a valid IP address has been set for the I/O system. For Modbus devices, either static DHCP or static IP addresses are recommended so that the IP addresses do not change during operation. Make sure that the mode of the analog inputs is adjusted for the I/O system. For this, the jumpers of the I/O system must be configured accordingly (see the manufacturer’s manual).

IP address:

The IP addresses of the I/O systems from Moxa can be adjusted via the user interface or via the ioSearch program from Moxa.

Jumper setting (only for E1242):

To be able to use the analog inputs of the I/O system with the Data Manager, the analog inputs of the I/O system must be set to 4 mA to 20 mA with the aid of the jumpers (see the manufacturer’s manual).

Jumper setting for voltage mode:

Jumper setting for voltage mode

Jumper setting for current mode:

Jumper setting for current mode

How do the Pt100 temperature sensors have to be connected to my ioLogik E1260 from Moxa?

The ioLogik E1260 from Moxa is suitable for the connection of Pt100 temperature sensors with two or three wires.

3-Wire Connection:

Data Manager M


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